My name is Enricke Bouma and I am a committed amateur potter based in France. I like making with my own hands everyday objects that are aesthetically pleasing and have an individuality about them. I look for slight imperfections or uneven features that give each object its own character
I develop different styles and then make a series of objects in that style. I aim to make things that have quirks and beauty. I like exploring the properties of different clays, slips, and glazes. Each of these materials imposes a discipline on how to work. I try to improve my own abilities, and get my inspiration, by seeking the limits of what I can technically do.
As I develop a style I often have an image or word in mind, and usually that becomes the style's name.
I also make one-offs, just to try out ideas that could be further developed at some later stage.
This website is mainly to show what I make, but I also make more than I can keep. So, if you see something you like, please contact me. If you are not in a hurry I am happy to discuss making something to order.